In order for individuals to receive a Certificate of Professional Competence, the national qualification of the profession to which they would like to obtain a certificate, and the certification body authorized by the professional qualification body to perform examinations and certification in this national qualification is required.
Candidates learn the authorized certification bodies in the national qualifications where they want to obtain documents by questioning the authorized certification bodies search module on the website.
The entire examination and certification process is carried out by the authorized certification bodies, and individuals submit their examination applications to the authorized certification bodies in the national qualifications for which they wish to obtain a certificate.
The candidate who is successful in theoretical and performance based examinations conducted according to national qualifications is issued Vocational Qualification Certificate and Portable Wallet type Professional Qualification ID Card in the same format.
Occupational Health and Safety Act with some Law and the Draft Law on amending the Decree on 4 April 2015 in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey was adopted by the General Assembly enacted Law No. 6645 number. The Law also made significant changes in the Law on Vocational Qualification Authority No. 5544.
One of the most important of these changes was undoubtedly the professions that brought the necessity of a document that is closely related to the work and business world. According to the law; Itibaren Persons who do not have a Professional Qualification Certificate shall not be employed according to the principles laid down in the Professional Qualification Authority Law twelve months after the publication date of the communiqués in the professions whose standards have been published and published by the Vocational Qualifications Authority and published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.