The term ‘landscape’ was introduced by Alexander Von Humboldt in the early 19th century as a scientific geography term. He defined the landscape as as the total character of a surface face piece Pey.

Russian geographers have put the idea of ​​landscape into the landscape concept by introducing inorganic and organic elements into the landscape landscape. All conceptual developments are described in detail in TROLL (1971). TROLL, one of the pioneers of German biogeographers, defined the landscape as: ‘Landscape is a space and visible integrity’. These ideas have made the landscape a key statement about nature conservation and recreation, based on ecological principles.

ELC (European Landscape Convention); it brings social, economic, political and legal new insights to the concept of landscape and as a result two important issues come to the fore: In the Convention, ‘landscape’ is described in two ways. First of all, the landscape is defined as an objective part with the objective (objective) expression, and then, in a subjective (subjective) expression, it is mentioned as a form of comprehension by all individuals.


Transplantation; It is used not to transplant plants at a young age and / or height, but to transfer them to their new places to be used in creating their spaces with their mature ages.

As in other branches of science, here is the transplantation process; In accordance with certain steps and taking into consideration a set of basic rules, it is a process performed under the required technical conditions.

Tree transplantation, as in all other landscaping applications, dismantling, transport, planting, post-planting, maintenance etc. a controlled surveillance at every stage requires very rigorous and regular application principles.
Large plants, especially trees for different reasons to move to different places have been carried out to date.
These trees are carried in bare roots, in balloons that are completely exposed to the roots, in a bag attached to the mouth, in a wire cage, wrapped around a belt or by latched tools.
Root pruning in a three-year period before transport
Careful capping process
Install with large and comprehensive tools
Complete preparation of the region to be transported
Care etc.
Performing the procedures carefully adapt to the new place of the tree allows you to live in a healthy way.

Success of transplantation; it depends on the type of plant, its conditions, the characteristics of the original and later cultivation areas, the season, the care taken, as well as the method of transplantation.

Transplantation can be performed for almost any plant. However, the sensitivity of each plant species to transplantation is different.
It shows some changes according to the plants in the time required for the species to adapt to the conditions.
In transplantation, we can examine the criteria that should be considered in plant selection in two groups:
– Type

– Age

Close to the body, deeply rooted, deeply rooted, fibrous plants are generally transported with greater success than the less fibrous and deeply rooted plants.

Transplantation is among the most powerful species; Walnut and Pine species are considered.

All kinds of plants can be transplanted.

Transplantation of young plants is more successful than the elderly.

One thing to be aware of is that soft-rooted trees are often not resistant to transport with frozen root bundles.

As the size of the plant grows, the cost and transportation difficulties increase rapidly. In case of large plants, soil changes, road construction or expansion, or where they are large, they are transplanted.

Classic Dismantling Method and Root Balls

After calculating how much the body will be excavated from the body, the soil must be excavated in a clockwise direction.
After the large stem is cut, the root bark should be peeled off with a knife. Pruning saw should be used to cut the stripped root area. When the stem shell is peeled with a knife, cambium cells develop a root system. Small roots should be cut with large scissors.
Classical Dissection Method and Root Bone Transplantation

The tree must be specially lifted by a crane, and no damage to the roots or knots should be made.
The trough is opened according to a machine or manual.
The resulting bare roots are covered. Measures should be taken to ensure protection from fog and smoke. Transplantation of Bare Corners
After the soil is moved and placed, the sandy soil is carefully covered.
In order for the trees to be long lasting, the soil should be well-watered and systematic.
After the soil is moved and placed, the sandy soil is carefully covered.
In order for the trees to be long lasting, the soil should be well-watered and systematic.
Root tangles, sacks and boxing

The tree is wrapped for preservation when transported with soil set.
This method is used when moving the tree from a green field to the other green area.
Enough holes should be excavated. If the pit width and depth are not enough, the tree dies. Root tangles, sacks and boxing
The most recommended method is to dig a hole around the plant to leave the root a bit smaller than the last size.
The arcs equal to half of the root are excavated in the first year. They are filled with a mixture of organic matter and soil. Root tangles, sacks and boxing
Alternatively, the pit can be digged in the dimensions of the root bundle and filled with the prepared good soil or the root pellets are encouraged to grow together with the soil.
In the end, if the tangles are not trapped according to the pit, the water will be in great danger as a result of outside water.
Boxes of root pellets, sacks and boxing

Sometimes the leaves may need to be sprayed to prevent spillage. This prevents spillage during transport.
According to the types of leaves, preventive concentration should be prepared carefully.
Short branches


If the soil is hard textured, the planting pit should be opened deep and wide.
It should be filled with water once or twice and the water is expected to wet the soil.
When we do planting, the most important issue is that the base of the body and the floor should be at the same level.
If the tree is planted deeper, the growth becomes blocked and the body floor area rots, fungi develop.
On the contrary, if the planting is higher, the tree can be damaged by the wind.
Roots are cleared during planting and made smaller.
If the ends are left open during packaging, the packaging may be left to hold the soil, but excessive packaging should be avoided.
Refilling the pit after planting

After the plant is placed, the pit is filled with soil.
Care must be taken to ensure that all of the roots of the tree are covered with soil.
In this case, it is necessary to refill and cover the areas with air.

Precautions should be taken to prevent damage to newly transplanted trees.
Trees in this state should be protected against external pressures for a period of time. Large trees need piles or they must be tied to protect the stem ball from wind pressure.
Small trees sometimes require stakes for protection.
Precautions should be taken to prevent transplantation of newly constructed trees.
Trees in this state should be protected against external pressures for a period of time. Large trees need piles or they must be tied to protect the stem ball from wind pressure.
Small trees sometimes require stakes for protection.

Pruning should be done to remove broken branches during transplantation and to prevent water loss during transplantation.
1/3 – 1/4 of unnecessary branches should be pruned and the direction of future growth should be checked.
Irrigation and Mulching

Newly transplanted plants should be irrigated at regular intervals. Thus, the relationship between soil and roots in the new environment has been improved and necessary moisture is gained to the soil.
Transplantation for Deciduous

The colors of the leaves are more suitable for deciduous trees to be harvested before the start of early winter or spring growth before the colors begin to change and the soil begins to freeze.
Suitable planting time for evergreen leaves

Coniferous trees are usually planted in early autumn or late spring.
The appropriate time for transplantation of broad-leaved herbs is usually spring and autumn.


How should we spray the plant in our garden?

It is very important that we wear water and moisture-proof clothing when spraying our garden. We should definitely wear hats, goggles and gloves. Even when we touch the boxes of pesticides, we should not forget that the poison can pass through our bodies. The time for spraying should be in the morning and evening, if possible. Daytime and warm hours are not suitable for spraying. In the meantime, we have to pay attention to the wind. The wind blowing while spraying will bring the drug directly on us. Therefore, it would be more appropriate for us to apply the wind by taking the wind behind us. Such pesticides are also harmful to bees, birds and fish. In addition, it has a deadly effect on domestic animals and on cattle and barn animals. The antidote of the relevant drug writes on the box. When faced with any poisoning, we need to take the medicine box to the doctor.

In order for the agricultural struggle to be effective, we need to choose which disease, which pest, the size of the garden, the tools and equipment according to the status and location of agricultural products such as fruits, cereals or wheat products such as wheat barley. Pesticides are sprayed with liquid by spraying the plants on the plants. It is important that the drug comes completely to all the organs of the plant. Whichever method we use, it should not be forgotten that these drugs are very heavy poisons and it is not appropriate to use them by amateurs.

When should we do spraying?

Plant protection is usually carried out during the spring, summer and autumn months when diseases and pests begin to show their activities. Disinfestation, depending on the type of plant is a type of struggle, but continuous. The timing of the spraying is also very important. No spraying should be done at noon during the day. Do not apply in very windy weather. Do not spray before and after rain. Because the rain water and the drug will be mixed into the soil and will unnecessarily poison our soil. Agricultural pesticides contain very heavy chemical poisons. We should not use these heavy poisons for anything we can solve with organic drugs or cultural measures. Remember that these poisons remain on the plants. Thanks to the food event, we pass on to our own body, we should not forget that we are exposed to many genetic diseases, especially cancer, and also contaminate our world, our air, our water, our land and our everything.

What should we pay attention to while planting?

Since pesticides are systemic drugs, they can cause great harm to people if they are touched or inhaled. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to take preventive measures, especially eye, mouth, nose and hand, when contacting these drugs. We must wear gloves, goggles, hats, masks or even protective clothing to prevent contact with our body. When preparing the medication, we must wear gloves to prevent contact with the skin.
If there is any contact with the hand, we should wash our hands with soapy water many times, and if it is contacted with the eye, we should clean it with heavy water. If the drug is exposed to inhalation and intoxication, the person subject to intoxication should be taken out into the open air immediately. If possible, it should be vomited by adding warm saline. Pesticides have a lethal effect on all warm-blooded creatures.

Which materials are used when planting medicines?

Different materials are used when spraying. The most widely used sprayers are sprayers and atomizers which are small in size. These can be hand type, or according to the size of the backyard or motor types are also available. Liquid medicines are used by spraying to plants by means of pulverizers by mixing in the proportions indicated in the package inserts. Powder drugs should also be discarded with special materials that are powdered. It is of great importance for the materials used in the cultural measures in the agricultural struggle. Examples of the most commonly used are pruning shears, ventilation rakes and ventilation holes for lawns.

How should I spray plants in my garden?

There is a general principle when spraying crops. ”No partial disinfection“. Because when you spray a certain area of ​​the plant, the pests in that area will immediately switch to another plant. Thus, partial spraying is a treatment with no effect. As a result, we have to spray all our garden while spraying. Of course, you will not be able to spray yourself on your own. You have to spray your neighbor. Because after a certain period of time the pests in your neighbors will come to your garden. Agricultural struggle is a struggle to be made completely. Regional and plant specific pesticides will not be very effective. We need to know what to do when we spraying in our garden. First of all, we need to determine the diagnosis. If this is a pest insecticides we use the general insecticides. If we are struggling against a disease, then we need to know what is the disease. Here, what to do, taking the samples from the branch of the disease plant, the Provincial Directorates of Agriculture or the Directorate of Plant Protection should be taken to diagnose. The experts there will diagnose your plant’s disease and give you the right medication.

How should we spray our plants at home?

The most important material for pumping our plants in the house is en arab soap inde, which is usually found in the house of all of us. Add one tablespoon of arab soap and shake into the bottle containing one liter of water. You can add a few drops of oil (olive oil or sunflower oil) to be effective. It is a very effective drug especially for green lice on the roses. The phage of the insects is acidic and has a value of 5.5. Arab soap carries lime base. Therefore, lime has an acid-repelling effect.

Let’s say this drug isn’t effective enough. Then we have to move on to our second effect. “Hot pepper”. Insects don’t like pain. Put a handful of red hot pepper into the one liter bottle. When you wait for a while, the pain of the pepper will become water and the insect repellent will become a drug.

As a last resort, you can use nicotine as a medicine. A few cigarettes you will throw into the water, a day after waiting, it will poison the water. This will become a deadly and abductive drug for insects.


The following procedures must be observed when laying ready grass. Ready grass should be laid starting from the widest corner of the area. Lawn rolls should be laid in such a way that the carpet is smooth and free of spaces, the corners should be smoothed with a sharp knife.

Quickly germinate and quickly build. It covers the area in a short time and prevents the development of plants.
Very dark green color, thin and often textured.
It is very resistant to pressing and tearing.
It provides early and easy harvesting thanks to its aggressive structure and wear resistance.
The regeneration of the rhizome in the damaged areas is strong. It is resistant to wear caused by machine use.
It grows slowly. It requires little form.
Very suitable for short form.
It has high resistance against diseases.
It creates green areas with high quality and durability and lower maintenance costs.
The edges and edges of the rollers must be removed and pressed on the ground. There should be no gap between the rollers and the laid rolls should not overlap.
Let us briefly explain how to care for roll grass:

After laying the lawn, we squeezed it well, even with a ram or a cylinder. When you first sprout the lawn, there is a great benefit in watering. We recommend that you soak it so that it cannot be visited. This helps the soil to settle and not to remain air after the first paving process. The lawn should be irrigated periodically, soaked. In the same way, fertilization and mowing should be done periodically. If you do this periodically and correctly, your lawn will be healthy and long lasting.


January: There is not much to do for lawn care in this month. Only dried leaves poured on the grass should be cleaned. However, not to walk on frozen lawns and ponds in the area is an important point to pay attention to.

February: It is a period of time when lawn maintenance process starts slowly. This month can be sprayed on the grass field. Soil preparation can be started in the areas to be sown in October.

March: It is the month when the field studies are started. The development of lawns accelerates and begins to grow. In order not to prevent the development of the grass, dried leaves and foreign matter should be removed by raking on the grass. In the grass field, the fight against plants can be done this month. However, in order to avoid damage to the lawn, the floor must be dry.

April: Active grass field maintenance operations gain momentum in this month. Grass needs water and grass areas need to be watered every 2-3 days. It is the most suitable period for summer fertilization. Nitrogen based Ammonium Nitrate fertilizers are recommended. However, the most important point to consider in summer fertilization; This is because grass will enter an active period of six months. For this reason, it is recommended to use Umi-acid doped fertilizers which can control the nutrient needs of the lawn in this period. In this month, the lawn form should be continued at regular intervals (every fifteen days). In addition, the period following the middle of this month is the most suitable period for grass planting.

May: Plant control can be done in this month. In addition, planting operations can be continued until mid-May. The range of lawn mowing should be shortened (seven to ten days) and the lawn cut length should be further increased.

June: Due to the increase in the air temperature, water should be done daily in this month. During the day when the sunlight effect is low, ie between 05:00 – 08:00 in the morning or in the evening between 18:00 – 21:00 hours should be paid attention.

July: Form and irrigation should be continued in this month. Also, if fertilization has not been done before and if there is enough water in the area, fertilization can be done in this month.

August: The same works carried out in July are also made in this month. If the holiday etc. If the grass area is neglected and the lawn is yellowed, the lawn should be cut short and the irrigation should be continued.

September: This month is the most suitable month for grass cultivation. Winter fertilization can also be started this month. Worms in areas with grass cover; begins to appear in the soil. For this reason, appropriate drugs should be applied to the soil.

OCTOBER: In this month, the leaves are dried and spilled. If these leaves are not cleaned on the grass, fungus formation occurs. At the bottom of the lawn, felts are observed on the surface of the soil and as a result, impossible baldings occur in the turf area.

November: The grass area maintenance process enters the pausing period. Also on the grass; In order to protect from the frosts and colds that may occur in the area and to regulate the nutritional requirements of the plant, sterilized burnt sieved stable manure should be laid.

December: There is not much work to be done in this month. In this month, tools and equipment should be taken care of. Also care should be taken not to visit on frozen or wet grass.

REFERENCES »GÜRSAN K., Landscape Architecture of Lawns

Foreign plants prevent the grass from living by using the necessary nutrients, moisture and light to develop the grass. Grass field plant after the emergence of large leaf plants to destroy Dr.Foreign herbs containing Amine should be used. Application should be done in windless weather and the area should not be watered for at least one day.
• Fight with protection measures: in this method, soil should be prepared in a good way before planting. Soil, the removal of residues of many years of foreign plant species, the use of certified seeds and cultivation of grass in areas where soil processing greatly reduces the problem of foreign plant.
• Physical fighting method: a method based on the removal of foreign plants in the field of grass by hand or with different tools.
* Mowing method: in this method, especially tall, multi-year-old plant species are harvested during the flower period to reduce or eliminate the intensity of grass areas are tried.
• Method of fighting using chemical drugs: it is a method commonly used in recent years in the fight against foreign plants seen in grass fields. The chemical drugs used in this method are divided into two groups, contact and systemic effect according to the effects of the foreign plants. Contact effective drugs kill the plant organs in which they are applied. These drugs are effective against only one-year, wide-leaved foreign plants. Systemic effective drugs are spread by entering the plant tissues and disrupt plant metabolism. They cause foreign plants to die by blocking photosynthesis, nucleic acid or synthesis. About 1-4 days after spraying, the death begins in foreign plants.


The green roof is defined as a planted roof. In general, it is applied in two ways: infrequently and intensively. For sparse green roofs, a layer of soil such as 5-15 CM is required, while for dense green roofs, a growth environment of 20-60 CM is required.


It reduces the risk of sudden water floods by holding rain water.
It helps to reduce the effect of temperature changes of the structure, thereby reducing thermal tension. It protects the roof from ultraviolet rays and mechanical damage and prolongs its life.
It provides the active use of dormant roofs and adds aesthetic value to the structure.
Adjusts the temperature and humidity balance, filters dust and pollution in air and water.
It forms a habitat for plants and small animals.
It provides insulation during winter months and it contributes to thermal insulation by giving coolness during summer months.
Provides audio isolation by absorbing the noise.
Reduces the impact of cities on the island of heat.
An average green roof is 8-10 years of self-repaying time.
Materials used are less waste and recyclable materials.
They use carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and give oxygen to contribute to the air quality of the cities.
Green roofs and special resting places were created to increase productivity and accordingly the economic value of the buildings and the preference of the increase was observed.

Maintenance costs after application and application may be disadvantageous if not planned well. Therefore, the selection of species that do not require much irrigation and maintenance should be considered.
In dense roof applications, soil depth varies between 20-60 CM. This is a disadvantage and is not recommended for existing buildings considering the load of rainwater on the roof when it is dry.
When the account of tölens is not done well, it can cause trouble for rain to fall in winter and be trapped in the growth environment and night frost event. Load calculations should be made not only according to dry system, but also considering the weight of the system saturated to water.
Even though the plant roots seem very thin, they can cause serious damage to very large structures over time. Therefore, the lower part of the layer should be strong enough not to damage the roots spread.
While there is no problem with high wind speeds in the areas where the greenery is intense, the soil or stone can fly at low wind speeds in the areas where it is irrigated.
In short; green roofs are designed correctly, when applied correctly, there are many economic and ecological benefits. But it should not be forgotten that green roofs can never replace parks, forests. Building buildings on land with high ecological value and then designing the roof as a green roof should not be a source of pride. In general, the holistic approach to ecological production should always be taken in the forefront.


The main objective in agricultural production is to provide the highest possible yield and quality. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the selection and use of agricultural inputs. Measures to be taken to increase agricultural production, in order;

Fertilizer selection & fertilization
Seed selection
Soil processing
Agricultural struggle
Fertilizer is the preparation of basic nutrients for agricultural production for use in chemical or physical environments, soil or plant. In this respect, fertilizer is one of the basic inputs in agriculture. The role of fertilization in these measures, which are effective in taking more products from the unit area, is foremost. For this reason, the important point in fertilization is to determine the amount and type of plant nutrients that are missing in the soil and to ensure that fertilization is done in time and in accordance with the procedure.

Plants are soil-related organisms. Their survival depends on their supply of enough nutrients in the soil they are in. Plants receive the plant nutrients they need for their development through their roots from the soil. These nutrients are mostly found in agricultural lands more or less. However, the amount of these substances may not always be found at the level the plant needs. Plants grown on the soil over time in terms of nutrients needed becomes poor. If there is not enough plant nutrients in the soil for the development and production of the plant, these nutrients are given to the plant externally and the deficiency is eliminated.

Plant nutrients are three of the most common and most important nutrients : nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Deficiency of these substances will stop development, as well as the presence of excessive amounts in the soil by the effect of poison (toxite) will decrease the yield. Another important point is that one of these substances has an effect on the other, making it easier for plants to benefit. In this case, these materials will not be sufficient to be present in the soil, but they will have to be present in certain proportions and all together together to a sufficient extent.

Fertilizers are given to the soil time, soil, depending on the climate and plant grown varies. Soil, the physical, chemical and biological properties of fertilizer with the application time significantly affects. The main thing is that there is sufficient amount of plant nutrients right next to the roots during the germination of the seed. In addition to knowing how and when fertilizer will be given to plants or soil, it is also necessary to determine which method will be given.

Choosing the method of fertilizing the soil;

Plant or soil properties,
Climate characteristics,
Labor force of farmers,
Economic factors such as the availability of tools and equipment are effective.
In addition, in fertilization, the application method of fertilizer to be shown when determining the attention, too much or the economic losses caused by the use of less fertilizer, plant growth will prevent the desired success and soil contamination.

To determine the amount of fertilizer to be given to the soil; 1,5 – 2 months before planting soil analysis must be done. Soil analysis is done free of charge at the provincial and District Agricultural Directorate.

Some issues to be considered in fertilization

About the land of Turkey
93 %in terms of nitrogen(n) ,
85 %I in terms of phosphorus (P)
Potassium(K) is not sufficient at 1.3%.
The most important thing to help determine the amount of fertilizer to be thrown into the soil, “soil analysis results” will be. Soils must be analyzed and fertilization should be done according to these results. If such an application is made, both soils will be fertilized in the appropriate amount, as well as higher production inputs due to excessive fertilizer consumption will show a decline. Giving more fertilizer to the soil does not mean that quality products will be obtained.
The climate conditions of this year should be taken into account when fertilizing. The stronger the plant enters the winter, the less damage caused by the cold. To prevent the plant from getting damaged from the cold, the amount of phosphorus fertilizer will be discarded according to the season may need to be increased or decreased.
Soil analysis as a result of phosphorus fertilizer to give the soil, should be thrown before planting and soil should be provided to mix. Phosphorous fertilizers are very difficult to go by washing the soil. For this reason, phosphorus fertilizer before the soil must be analyzed. Phosphorous and potassium fertilizers should be given immediately before planting or during planting and buried in the soil depth.
Phosphorous fertilizers should not be given after the plant has grown.
(Alkaline / alkaline) sulfur should be used to reduce the lime ratio in the soil.
Lime should be used to remove soil acidity.
Nitrogen and nitrate fertilizers should be used after the plant starts to grow. Nitrogen fertilizers are very active fertilizers, too much rainfall or irrigation water washed or gas can be lost by flying. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizers should be given on a regular basis every year.
Nitrogen fertilizers should be given at a few times, considering the various growth periods of the plant, not at one time. Half of the amount of nitrogen determined in the time of planting of the plant must be given.
Ammonium sulphate in saline or alkaline soils should be preferred before planting or planting in order to remove soil acidity. Neutral (pH value 6.5-7.5 ones) or acid (pH value 6.5 less than) in soils 46% urea can be used.
Urea and ammonium sulfate fertilizers cause a pH increase in the heel, ammonium nitrate is more than.
Fertilization from the top or side, after the plant germination is given to the entire field or to the side of the rows.
Nitrogen fertilizer for autumn planting, ammonium nitrate or urea form fertilizers should be used.
nitrate fertilizers should be preferred in spring or summer fertilization. Because there is no difference between the varieties of nitrogenous fertilizer in terms of increasing efficiency, it is possible to use other nitrogenous fertilizer instead of any nitrogenous fertilizer.
The most appropriate method for fertilization, the plant needs fertilizers to give the soil at 3 times.
Cultivation : ammonium sulphate, 20-20-0 or 18-46-0 Composite fertilizers,
Early March: urea ,
Finally at the beginning of April : it is suitable to fertilize by using ammonium nitrate.
Lime Condition Of Soils Of Turkey

The CA(calcium) and mg (magnesium) elements in the composition of the soil are washed down to the lower layers with the effect of rainfall or irrigated agricultural lands and hydrogen ions are replaced. This causes the soil reaction to gain acid character. The most suitable pH range for plant nutrition is 6.5 – 7.5. Below this limit, soils gain acid character and above alkaline character. In either case, plant nutrition becomes difficult, quality and yield decreases. Soil acidity to remove lime to the soil, to remove alkalinity to add sulfur must be added.

In general, calcification is the process of giving Ca and mg containing compounds to the soil in order to improve the physical properties of the soil, improve the living conditions of the microorganisms and neutralize the soil reaction and make the plant nutrient elements useful to the plant.
In acidic reaction soils, Al and Mn ions, which are released as a result of the decomposition of clay minerals, act as oxide to the plant, prevent the plant from taking nutrients. With lime soil colloids(surface, particle-bound), Al(aluminum), Mn(manganese) and H(hydrogen) ions and Mg are replaced. Thus, soil reaction rises and Mn ions with Al in the form of hydroxides collapse into the plant becomes harmless .

72% of Turkey’s land is rich in lime. Apart from the Black Sea and Marmara regions, there are sufficient and even high amounts of lime. In Marmara and Black Sea regions due to excessive rainfall CA and MG are washed and soils are gaining acid character day by day. Therefore, this type of filling material used as calcium 26% fertilizer is suitable for use. In addition, 26% of the fertilizer is hard, but can be dissolved in areas with continuous rainfall .
In other regions, as nitrogenous fertilizer, 33% instead of 26% is more appropriate to use fertilizer. Because, soil moisture % 33 fertilizer is enough to Melt.
However, in other regions, acid-reaction soils are found.

Status Of Acid In The Soil

The ability of plants to absorb nutrients depends on the reaction of the soil ( acidity or alkalinity values). Each element can not be taken in each pH degree. Therefore, if the reaction of the soil is unknown, the fertilizer given is perhaps a fertilizer that the plant does not need at all. For example, iron intake shows that the acid value is high, and that the alkaline value (pH value is greater than 7.5)cannot be obtained. Indeed, when there is too much lime in the soil, the lack of iron in the plant is so obvious that an accustomed eye can detect it immediately without using the pH meter. In general, plants 6.5-7.5 pH limits the most food intake performs. In the meantime, it is important to remember that the pH of the irrigation water affects the pH of the soil. There are enough calcium in our country’s soil. Because most of our land is calcified soil. Calcium and magnesium in soils formed from the main parts of the calcareous where rainfall is more than washed with rainfall, soil acid character gets lost. For example, in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey, there are soils of acid character. Acid soils by adding lime acidity is eliminated. Calcification of acidic soils is not only to give them calcium and magnesium as plant nutrients. At the same time, reducing the harmful effects, correcting the physical property of the soil and increasing microbiological activity causes. For this reason, acid reaction to soil before fertilization by giving lime reactions should be corrected and then fertilization should be done. Lime should be made only in acidic-reaction soils and in alkaline-reaction soils, lime should not be used, sulfur should be used in this type of soils.

pH value decreases and soil acidosis result,

Some of the development of culture plants are blocked,
Water permeability degrades,
Nitrification (the conversion of ammonium nitrogen into nitrite nitrogen) slows down,
Free Fe(iron), Al (aluminum) and MN(manganese) in the soil by increasing the solubility of plants toxic (poisoning) effect occurs.
Nitrogen Loss / Ammonia Flight

Ammonia is a chemical process in which urea manure turns into ammonia gas and ammonia gas enters the atmosphere. When urea fertilizes the soil, it reacts with water in the environment (hydrolysis reaction) and becomes ammonia and carbon dioxide. Nitrogen fertilization, especially in mild soils of nitrogen Azot’u plant root areas by washing the disappearance and therefore can not be taken by the plants is a fact known by many people dealing with agriculture.
The use of other nitrogen fertilizers other than urea is also possible with ammonia flight and nitrogen loss. However, this situation occurs when other nitrogen fertilizers are applied to alkaline soil surfaces(pH value is higher than 7.5). Because nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil soon after they turn into ammonium nitrogen. However, when the PH on the soil surface is above 7.5 (alkaline soils), ammonium ions (NH4+) formed on the surface (NH3) starts to turn into ammonia gas. Some of ammonia gas passes into the soil by diffusion and reacts with hydrogen ions (h+) in the soil and return to ammonia. Another part of ammonia gas escapes into the atmosphere and is lost by ammonia flight.

In general, factors that increase the rate of conversion of urea to ammonia can be summarized in the following headlines.

Warm soil temperature,
High soil moisture content
High soil pH (acidity)
Fertilizer application in response to irrigation failure
There are two ways to minimize nitrogen losses by flying ammonia.
Nitrogen fertilizer application immediately after irrigation. Thus, nitrogen fertilizer, after application into the soil to pass into the soil exposed to fertilize Amonium, increasing the capacity to hold more and thus the loss of nitrogen into the air is reduced.
If irrigation is not possible, controlled soluble, slow-running nitrogenous fertilizers reduce ammonia flight at very important levels. Especially in environments where the soil temperature rises, Dew and humidity increases, and in alkaline soils, the importance of nitrogen fertilizer is increased.



Seed germination violins, seed germination bags, plastic cups,depending on the amount of seed 20X60 balcony potted or Fruit Box can use.


2 part burnt sifted farm manure + 1 part thin sifted stream sand + 1 part sieved garden soil homogeneously mixed. If these cannot be found,agricultural seed is taken from drug dealers or from the market.Ready-to-plant fertilizer is not enough useful vitamins and minerals to participate in the seedlings are eliminated better.

To cover the seeds planted from the soil you prepare a small amount to separate. This is called the soil cover soil.

3-October :


Small seeds such as tomatoes,peppers, eggplant , lettuce, Reyhan: Viols or long pots, Crates 15 cm thick soil is filled. in the form of sparse sprouting or 5 x 5 x 5 range of seeds are placed on the same soil 2-3 mm is closed and lightly pressed air is taken and sprinkled in the form of Fiss sprays or sprinkling light. If the seeds are irrigated too much, they rise to the surface and can’t hold on to the soil and die. By closing them with nylon, the greenhouse effect is created and they are quickly heated up and released. In the meantime, frequent soil moisture needs to be checked.

Note. In the meantime, the names of the seeds should be marked to avoid confusion by writing.

When seeds are sprouted 1-2 cm, nylon is taken over and air is provided.

After this period, one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon sun is provided without direct sun. Meanwhile, if the wind is light, the seedlings are ensured to stabilize their bodies. This process is called Making cooked seedlings.

Seedlings will be treated when the consistency is taken with the soil is planted in their main places, this process is called a surprise.


If one night is kept in warm water before planting, germination is provided early.

Large-eyed violins, plastic cups, or sprinkler bags of seeds one cm by filling the above mentioned soil. it is backed up and irrigated by planting two separate seeds from one deep. Greenhouse environment is created by covering them with transparent nylon. Seedling lengths 2-3 cm when the nylon is opened to get the air is provided.

If two seeds you planted, the seedlings grow after the soil is cut off with a knife, seedlings are separated from each other, so that two seedlings become.

Seedling lengths 10-15 cm when the external environment is planted in the main places.

Note. If you are doing the nursery in a place like a closed balcony, you should do it near the light source, otherwise your seedlings constantly grow into the light and can be knocked down.


Corn, beans, beans, peas, okra, Brussel, Sunflower,onion, garlic. Potatoes, ground diamond punch, these vegetables are planted in one place.

In order for these plants to be planted in the external environment, the soil temperature must sit at least 15-18 to 20 degrees outside the external environment temperature. Like the beginning of May for the Marmara region…


Carrots, spinach, radish (if the seed to be planted is less one must be planted separately).Roka, purslane,parsley, dill, tere is planted as sprinkling, the soil is mixed with Rake and sprinkled by pressing on the seeds in the form of sprinkling.


General rule: how much seed width should be added to the depth of three times.

Seeds planted very deep, germination with the necessary heat to find the air, so they can not pierce the thick soil layer above them and face. Seeds, which are not planted deep enough, cannot germinate and develop as they will be deprived of the moisture required for their growth.

When calculating the depth at which the seed will be thrown, we must pay attention to::

The smaller seed grains, the more nitrogen in the soil should be buried.
In places with low rainfall, the top layers of the soil will be more dry, seed should be planted deep. In contrast, in areas with plenty of rainfall, seed can be planted closer to the face.
In sandy soils, the seed should be planted deeper, and in clay soils closer to the face.


Before planting seeds, water the seed plant (seed bed) abundantly and allow the soil to draw water. Then sprinkle the seeds slightly after the team or sprinkle the seeds again.

Seed germination stage irrigation water %06 (one liter 6 GR.) Humas (organikli) put germination rate, time and quality increases.


The seedlings must be hardened before they are taken out and must be trained to the climate so that they do not experience a transplant shock.(Cooked seedling process).1 or 2 weeks before planting seedlings in the middle of the day, rain and wind will not come to find a place and take out your seedlings, towards the evening, before the weather is cold, return your seedlings home. If possible, start to harden your seedlings and practice outside after the frost season, when temperatures rise above 15 degrees. It is enough to sunbathe for 1-2 hours on very hot days.


As a general base seedlings will be taken into the external environment that is surprised by going back to the date of six weeks seed cultivation is done.

This process may vary according to the characteristics of the region. Eg. Because the air temperatures in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions are higher, the plant can be kept short as it develops faster.

You can specify the October date by region and altitude.

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