Care of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s patient care requires patience and flexibility. By eliminating distractions, you can create a safe environment so that your relatives can do their daily work very easily.
In the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, your relative is still acting free and can handle their own business. But as the disease progresses, it will have difficulty in meeting its daily needs on its own. Check out the tips below to make it easier for you and your relatives to make life easier for him.

Have an idea about long-term care

Plan wisely: Make every day easier. Don’t make intensive schedules for him during the day. For example; do not coincide with the same day.
Do not rush: If you asked him to do something close to you in a hurry do not let him move comfortably.
Contribute to him: Your family may be overwhelmed about your every step. If you think she’s overwhelmed by some of your help, give her little help. For example, don’t help her put on her clothes, but just show her what clothes and put on her bed.
Reduce options: For example, do not show all the cupboard to choose an outfit for it. Just ask him to pick one of the two sweaters.
Give simple instructions: If you want him to do something close to you, explain it very simply so that he understands it.
Eliminate distractors: Turn the TV off, turn off the radio to avoid distraction when talking or eating something.
Be flexible: As the illness of your family progresses day by day, it will be limited in what it can do. Keep up with the course of the disease and be flexible in your programs. Organize your daily routine according to the health of your relative.
Create a safe environment: Alzheimer’s disease limits the decision-making and problem-solving abilities of a person receiving care. The patient who shrinks their perceptions often cannot comprehend what will hurt itself or not.
Use the lock: Keep the lockers away from your closets where there are objects such as cutting tools, detergents or alcohol.
Keep flammable appliances secret: remove tools such as lighters and matches from areas that are easy to get to.
Prepare for emergencies: Get your first aid kit ready for emergency situations.

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