Hazardous Materials Safety Consultancy

Dangerous substances as specified in Article 2 of the communique on hazardous material safety consultancy published in the official gazette no. 30043 dated 19 April 2017; is a comprehensive consultancy service designed to help businesses carry, carry, pack, load, fill and unload their operations without causing harm to human health, other living beings and the environment.

Major Companies That Must Comply

  • Fuel Stations
  • Paint Plants
  • Acid Factories
  • Iron and Steel Factories
  • Plastic, Metal, Pharmaceutical, Chemical Materials Factory
  • Fireworks Factory
  • Construction Chemical Materials Factory
  • Rubber and Silicone Factories
  • Municipalities
  • Cement Plants

Consulting and Supervision Services

In order to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases, to create appropriate working conditions, to continue their lives in a healthy manner and to add value to the employer by applying all legal regulations, we provide consultancy and supervision requests and provide guidance.

Occupational Health and Safety Consultancy

In order to keep your business away from risks and to increase the efficiency of your business, you need to apply occupational health and safety effectively. Together with our team of experts in the field, we determine the most appropriate occupational health and safety practices for your business and ensure the continuity by conducting audits during the implementation process.

Ergonomics Risk Analysis

Muscle and skeletal system disorders can occur as a result of lifting, bending, reaching, pushing and pulling. With the Ergonomics Risk Analysis, the working conditions and the equipment used are inspected for the health and safety of the employees and the report is revised or revised if necessary.

ISO 45001: 2018 Consultancy & Supervision

This standard, which is applied all over the world, is an application that provides international acceptability about occupational health and safety, complementing the corporate identity of the enterprise and makes a difference with competitors in the market. It emphasizes the sensitivity of the company in terms of occupational health and safety, decreases the risks and increases the work efficiency.

Current Situation (GAP) Analysis

With the Current Situation (GAP) Analysis, we measure the compliance of your business with the management systems and legal requirements and accordingly we draw a road map for development.

Behavior-Oriented Occupational Safety Audits

Behavior-Oriented Occupational Safety Audits provide a behavior-oriented occupational safety control program based on activities and departments at the workplace. With this checklist, it can generate reporting, follow-up and analysis documentation.

Accident Research and Reporting Consultancy

Accident Investigation and Reporting Consultancy enables you to investigate all work-related accidents to reduce occupational accidents by reducing the number of work-related accidents and to establish effective measures to prevent new accidents.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment enables the identification of hazards at every stage of the production stage for all workplaces, identifying and analyzing the risks and reporting accordingly. Periodically, these documents are renewed and continuously improved by audits.

Explosion Protection Document Preparation

As stated in the Regulation on Protection of Employees from Explosive Environment published in the Official Gazette No. 28633 dated 30 April 2013; the document that protects employees from the dangers of explosive atmospheres in the context of their health and safety. In accordance with Article 10 of the Regulation, it is compulsory to prepare Explosion Protection Document in all enterprises with the possibility of an explosive atmosphere.

Asbestos Inventory Report Preparation

Asbestos production and use has been prohibited by the regulation published in our country in 2013. Abest Inventory Report Preparation of screening studies to determine the areas of asbestos provides.

Emergency Consultancy

It is the creation of an emergency action plan for the prevention, protection and evacuation of the hazards related to the disasters and work accidents that may occur as a result of the risk assessments.

Overseas Investment Consultancy

Nowadays, the increasing number of communication channels and the shortening of distances together with technology have increased the tendency to work abroad. The contribution to institutionalization, the opportunity to open up new markets and low costs have made foreign investments attractive. With this consultancy service, data on detailed subjects ranging from tax liabilities to living standards are taken and in accordance with these data, information is given about which markets can be obtained with the lowest cost and the most qualified results. After the investment phase, consultancy service continues on the strategy of finding a place in the new market.

Government Support Consultancy

To establish the Republic of Turkey in recent years to work on behalf of citizens and supports a number of offers can be developed. With these supports, you can build and grow your business and have the opportunity to make investments in becoming a well-established company. Our company, which provides consultancy services on how to take the state supports in the following ways, determine the items to be supported and how to make investments with the support to be received, is honored to contribute to the qualified growth of our country with this service.

Facility Management Services
Health Care Services
Occupational Health and Safety